Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hello again!

It's been a while, but I've just arrived back in Boston after Spring Break. The few weeks before were quite hectic, with papers due and midterms in my economics and math classes. It was a much needed break, but it's great to be back! Campus is still a bit empty... most people will probably be arriving back tomorrow. Anyway, some of my friends who went on Appalachia are back on campus now as well. They all said it was such an amazing experience, and I'm contemplating going next year. I almost regret not doing it! So far I've heard stories of building houses, playgrounds, and other little jobs around communities. It really seems like a worth-while opportunity.

An event I participated in before break but didn't have time to write about was the Campus School Broom Hockey Tournament. This was another fundraiser for the campus school, similar to that of the Marathon Team I'm a part of. A team of ten of my friends got together, made awesome team t-shirts, and headed down to Conte Forum on a Sunday afternoon to show our skills in Broom Hockey- hockey played with brooms and a volleyball on the ice rink, in sneakers. It was a GREAT time- and my team even made it to the semi-finals. It was an awesome event, all for a wonderful cause.

Well, I guess I should go make my rounds through Walsh to see if any of my other friends have returned from their breaks. Returning to campus has given me a mental block-- I'm not sure what else I wanted to write about!

Until next time,

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