Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It is the End of the World (Semester) as We Know It

So the semester is winding down; and by winding down I mean in the last week I've done more work than I thought was possible for one human being. If you're starting to feel sorry for me, I've also managed to watch almost the entire third season of Grey's Anatomy. What I have not done is sleep.

Today I turned in my final project for my documentary film class with Professor Michalczyk. I decided to make a press kit for Errol Morris' Film The Thin Blue Line. The documentary is a gripping quest for justice in a 1980's murder case. When I delivered my project, Professor Michalczyk suggested I watch Morris' film Standard Operating Procedure on the Iraq War next.

This afternoon, I went to the math lab like I always do, even though I've turned in my last homework for the semester. I talked with my friends for a bit before going upstairs to the English department in Carney to meet with a Professor I hope to have in class next semester. After that I walked down to lower with a friend and caught the Comm. Ave bus in front of Conte forum. The Comm. Ave bus takes students, mostly juniors, who live off campus home as well as allowing all students a quick trip to Cleveland circle or to Boston as the bus allows students easy access to both the D and C line. I made a quick trip to Boston before returning to my room to do work.

Around 6, my friend Jane who lives down the hall texted me to see if I was planning on going to the review session my Gen Chem teacher was holding tonight for our test on Friday. After grabbing a quick bite in Mac (McElroy), we went over to Higgins for the session. Now I'm back in my room, working on my papers for my writing portfolio and contemplating another episode of Grey's. Then I think I'm going to hit the sack early tonight and rest up before finals next week.

Until next time,

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